The Future of AIEpisode 1: The Evolution of Planetary IntelligenceHow planetary intelligence is evolving and why what we do in the next 10 - 20 years will determine the fate of humankind.
The Future of AIEpisode 2: Human IntelligenceTo understand Planetary Intelligence, its helpful to first understand human intelligence.
The Future of AIEpisode 3: Collective IntelligenceThere are two main types of collective intelligence systems, active and passive.
The Future of AIEpisode 4: Artificial Intelligence and the Rise of AIDr. Kaplan traces the rise of AI from the naming of the field in 1956 to today's explosion of machine learning systems.
The Future of AIEpisode 5: Artificial General IntelligenceThe fastest path to AGI requires a combination of human collective intelligence and existing AI systems.
The Future of AIEpisode 6: The Future of AIArtificial Intelligences, even though they will become trillions of times smarter than humans, cannot logically derive values.